

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sayi- ku................................

Sayi-ku --- A new artform emerges.

Life is a continuum. You make mistakes, correct them, make more of them and correct them. You have unsuccesses. You have successes. You are at times pessimistic and then again incorrigibly otherwise at other times. People say there’s no hope for you. No way the dwarfs and the trolls are going to make peace says Pratchett. But then again there sunny days of bright hope. Anybody ever thought of embodying all this in an art form.

I just thought of a way. And it’s Sayi-ku. A distant cousin of Haiku. The word has close resemblance to ‘sahikku’ which in Malayalam means ‘to bear with’. Ya! Friend, bear with me. Bear with my fallacies and wrongs. Get along with my punctuations, my lapses and my derogatory use of the f word. But don’t tolerate my despair, inspire in me hope. Do not tolerate my filth, cleanse me up. Tolerate not my unconscionability. Kill my disrespect. And here it is Sayi-ku for all.


The mission of Sayi-ku as an art form was inspired in me not by any one individual. But I have considerably drawn from the philosophies and methods of my mentor friends. Thanks Pattar a.k.a Jayaram K, for all the initial help. Thanks Pratchett, for the satirical pessimism, a dose more effective than optimism in modern literature. Thanks to Torque, I dream big. And thanks to K.K – my superlative in ‘don’t caring two hoots’.

RULES for Sayi-ku (in no particular order)

1.) The central feel should appear to the wanton eye as derogatory, pessimistic and pejorative. But it should in its own right have a sting in the tail that abounds with optimism and enthusiasm.

2.) The ‘poem’ (here it is!) should invariably be a five liner.

3.) Double negative for single negative can be used.

4.) Use of the words ‘ain’t’, and ‘gonna’ is welcome.

5.) Explicit and Implicit references to nature.

6.) The first line rhymes with no other line.

7.) The second and fifth lines rhyme.

8.) The third and fourth lines rhyme.

EXAMPLE (based on the Banglore Marathon) – This is the first ever Sayi-ku

I ain’t gonna take the rain as it comes,

Leave alone the rising sun,

I ain’t gonna have no snow-flakes,

For I had for break-fast corn-flakes;

No matter what! I am gonna run.

You can see that pessimism is blasted. Its sounds sort of anti-nature in the beginning (I still doubt whether it is or is not). Any way it shows my resolve to run. It follows the rhyme rules.

This is sayi- ku for all.

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