

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Conformist - no less

I am ready to accept people as they are, no matter where they hail from; no matter where I meet with them. I believe in exclusivity of relationships. I believe in other people’s abilities and I am not iconoclastic enough to call myself a non-conformist even though specific instances in my life have given people reason enough to call me a maverick.

So since non-conformism is an oft projected quality, let me indulge on it for now. The label, people feel gives an edge. But sorry guys 99% of people who label themselves so have no idea that they are the most conforming of people.

Yes you were not there when traditions of marriage, family, brotherhood and organization were devised. And unthinking people, you say, carry on unmindful of better alternatives. The fool that you are you forget the very role ‘marriage’ and ‘family’ (as institutions) played in your being. You forget the organizational prowess and the alumni- reach the school that taught you has earned over the years. You miss and egregiously so the fraternal bonhomie of the newspaper-boys who take turns to deliver your paper on six o clocks.

Samuel A Maverick, the 19th century cattle-rancher who refused to brand his calves, was a maverick. Yes he was. In 1880s his deeds were as unorthodox as deeds can be!

But no matter whatever you do, no yardstick would treat your actions as non-complaint.

Yes the Buddha was a maverick. Would you forgo a palace and a beautiful wife! Despite the sexism of my remark! Think! The answer is no. A big NO.

Wake up and stop using Non-Conformal, Unorthodox, Contumacious, and Recalcitrant in your about mes.

I for one am a conformist, a man of the society, responsible partly for what you and I see around. And yes I am available on orkut, blogger , yahoo et al.