

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dhwani - Special Comeback Edition !

for two years and a longer half the village
lay plain, dead, barren and bland;
the knights lay wasted, chained on rusted metalware;
the bluejays flew far south away from the ghost town.

Outside, the forest on one side bloated with
an underbelly of vermin and weeds
The lake on the second and the sea on the
third side stood noiseless and still.

Music lay murdered - a murder most foul.
Music lay looted - a crime undeserveth of parole.
Music lay checked, muted, without the waves of
progression, insipid and lost.

Then came our way a monsoon and an August,
Somehow our village came alive.

I could hear the rustle of moving feet.
the clang of metal being freed.
the chirp of a few mockingbirds.

I could feel the weight of history
I could see the conscience of the village
And like ink spreading on paper,
like sun rays sweeping across the cornfield,
I could see them all arising in steps from the deep slumber.

The Arabian sea frolicked in exotic Tandava
The Akkulam lake meandered beyond the IT park,

And the faint beats came distinctly alive.
Don't tell me I didn't warn you that
the faint beats shall soon explode into 30,000 watts,
the floodlights shall soon daze the crowd

Don't tell me you never had the time to find your place
that you couldn't dance along,
that you couldn't jump along,
That when it came you never came along.

Dhwani - The village of music - Special Comeback edition.
Sept 28, 29, 30 Oct 1 2006 CET.

Come along or die regretting..................


The Rocking Heart said...

Spaar..You da man!

The Rocking Heart said...

How come u make such beautiful poems man? :D

DTox said...

That was a gr8 post !