

Monday, February 26, 2007


I am here for personal reflection. I have turned into a very poor blogger. I do not blog about what I do, mostly. Not even about where all I go. Its increasingly personal reflection. Not that things are not happening. They are. But for me my disillusionment and loss are still the issues that find blogspace.

Despite the disillusionment I find that I cant keep from contributing. This week was for the college mag stuff with pattar. Quality stuff.

What do we write for the college mag.. we wondered.. and we zeroed in on 'nonsense'.. Not nonsensical prose mind you..but how absurd is the logic behind the world’s behaviour at large.. “

What churned out is not exactly nonsense. We dug at all 'em big guys. We dug at them who we think are our people and they would take it in their stride. Why not one peg for torque when they are household name. What about one for Pranav, the gsec. Why not roast Eric, pattar, Anila and kk.

Between I got kicked with caffeine. That was pattar's magic. How could it happen just after being swahahed.

Today was rocking. CCD is magic. They sell all the God knows what at exorbitant prices and I still keep going.

It was t3rmin4tor's treat. Me, Reuben, Kamal and Manu.

Despite the disillusionment and excessive school-nostaliga-obsession, I know these guys too are my people. Driven. Hilarious. Able. Thanks Manu for Uniart. Kamal for Opera and Reuben for What not!

Thanks t3rmin4tor for dapper.

Thanks Lord for all the magic.

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