

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

New Orkut abt me Mirrored!!

I have changed this column many times.
[And I have had a very dedicated fan following for this column:- frankly!]
Tells a lot about me not being a 'fixed construct'! Keeps changing! Has a very 'fluid' character for that matter.

Not just that but also this that one small column is too short for describing individuals.

There are people who leave this column unfilled and also people who give a link to their blog. I do not want to leave this unfilled nor do I want to leave a link to my blogspot.
My blog too aint not complete. Its a concoction of personal reflections and it is as incomplete as my about me tab has ever been.

The following has been my blogger 'about me' for long now!

"On a short journey called 'life'; intrepid at exploring the whole road; indefatigable and travelling even through the nights; perspicacious to learn from every crossing; gregarious and convivial at the weekend parties;eclectic in philosophy and ideals;cogent, forceful and vociferous in speech; ingenuous in relationships; crusader of the written word and a dilettante at etymology."

Contrary to it, I do not want my life to be short, I stay within my confines mostly instead of trekking through the whole road and I am sleepy by 1 a.m! I have not learned all I could from my failures, I havent accepted from the pick of philosophies, I have enjoyed very few parties, have won too few debates, done too little of literary crusades and have been silent at the most compromising of moments.

Despite such dire incongruities, the stuff remains my best 'about me'!


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