

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Banglored, Backstabbed and Back!

Last week was fun, as I was all over Bangalore. Under the aegis of my cousin t3rmin4t0r who is working at Yahoo, Bangalore, I rejoiced a laid back vacation. And there was of course Vaisakh, who took my Scary House ticket. The biggest place I have seen yet, Banglore (Hmm, is it?)- impressed in form, grandeur and spirit (Hmm, did it?).

I took two full weeks to read 'the Sicilian'. Sicily is treacherous, with backstabbers and bandits, rogues and usurpers, people on the two extremes of love et al. Sicily in hindsight, resembles my circumstances. I am doing third year at CET, if you need reminding. This place is equally deep with self-centered people and treacherous cheaters, money-swindlers et al but/and also thick acquaintances. Backstabbers, deceptive deceivers and loose-mouthers. I am not exaggerating. It is a place to learn strategy, to sit and watch and learn and so on. I have had a few lessons. I am not saying that I invited everyone when I adventured, I did'nt. Not that my small group packed bags for places while announcing our plans in inviting tones. We fuuking did'nt. Its dog eat dog and I ate some and got eaten as well. But at the end of the day, I realize the sicilian saying, "only the man who plays alone, wins".

I am back from the out3rorbiT! Obviously it did'nt go well.

out3rorbiT - the brief!

Welcome to the out3rorbiT. And I live here.


Yes, I agree this is a strange place and herein is a strange man.


When I look back in life, I see pain and when I relax I have painful memories. Perhaps not because my life was full of pain, but maybe because I recieved the pain to my heart and I gave only fleeting attention to the few good things that churned out in between. Its not about attitude, I will tell you. Not about the gutts. For my gutts,I will tell you, people will kill for it !

When I look back at relationships my eyes fill with tears. Not because they didnt give me fruit, nor because the fruit was sour. But just because I can't bear the weight any longer. I do not want to elucidate, I can't.


Vishnu had a few good habits and a few good traits. Some passions, some touchstones and a few dreams. The habits were fine, the passions too. But they stopped clicking dreams. They did.

So I made a place called the out3rorbiT, and this place comes along with me. It is more like me taking the orbiT along as if it is a bag. I chose the out3rorbiT, because the planet farthest away from the sun travels the slowest.


This is a place to lie in waiting. The place to hide, not so much as to bury oneself beneath the irrevocable mist of time. But just the place for a delay loop to come a full loop. I will bail out from here. I do not know when, but it will happen some day.

Awhile I will have time to read and write for myself, to understand the computer, to define a few muscles, to concentrate on logic, to unravel my Gods and listen ignorantly to music. Leave me alone as I do all this, please do. For I wont reciprocate to you if you will care to care.

This place is one without insecurities. You would feel as odd as you would in a planet with lesser gravity.

This place is one without responsibilities. You would feel like you are in a planet that does not care about its moon.

This place is called the out3rorbiT. And I live here.



Apr 1 , 2007
