

Sunday, May 13, 2007

out3rorbiT - the brief!

Welcome to the out3rorbiT. And I live here.


Yes, I agree this is a strange place and herein is a strange man.


When I look back in life, I see pain and when I relax I have painful memories. Perhaps not because my life was full of pain, but maybe because I recieved the pain to my heart and I gave only fleeting attention to the few good things that churned out in between. Its not about attitude, I will tell you. Not about the gutts. For my gutts,I will tell you, people will kill for it !

When I look back at relationships my eyes fill with tears. Not because they didnt give me fruit, nor because the fruit was sour. But just because I can't bear the weight any longer. I do not want to elucidate, I can't.


Vishnu had a few good habits and a few good traits. Some passions, some touchstones and a few dreams. The habits were fine, the passions too. But they stopped clicking dreams. They did.

So I made a place called the out3rorbiT, and this place comes along with me. It is more like me taking the orbiT along as if it is a bag. I chose the out3rorbiT, because the planet farthest away from the sun travels the slowest.


This is a place to lie in waiting. The place to hide, not so much as to bury oneself beneath the irrevocable mist of time. But just the place for a delay loop to come a full loop. I will bail out from here. I do not know when, but it will happen some day.

Awhile I will have time to read and write for myself, to understand the computer, to define a few muscles, to concentrate on logic, to unravel my Gods and listen ignorantly to music. Leave me alone as I do all this, please do. For I wont reciprocate to you if you will care to care.

This place is one without insecurities. You would feel as odd as you would in a planet with lesser gravity.

This place is one without responsibilities. You would feel like you are in a planet that does not care about its moon.

This place is called the out3rorbiT. And I live here.



Apr 1 , 2007


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