

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another difficult lunch!

I had to set out for Kottayam, last Sunday on an errand. More a token of commitment than an errand. An old friend was getting his sister married off. There were around fifty people in my class of yore. Five of us turned up for the engagement. That is one in ten , hmm, I am not satisfied.

But five we were and our rural exploit of Kottayam was memorable and would be for life-long. The local bus from Kottayam to uzhavoor wound through seemingly never ending roads taking us into the heart of rural Kottayam. The same feeling you would have in any other part of rural Kerala, a welcome feeling, soon engulfed me. Achu got the cue too and he noted the same to me. Travel brings a pleasure that can be brought by naught else.

In ways more than one my engineering education has begun to turn out to be a time of travel and tour. In the past year and a half I have had opportunity to see rural places in five districts. Palode(Trivandrum), Soochipara and edakkal (Wayanad), Chemberi (Kannur), Mararikulam (Allepy) and Aswin's place (Kozhikode).

Post the function I messaged my sister -

"Yet another difficult christian lunch. I still remain a vegetarian, non-alcoholic" !

So much for what I hold true !!!!

And look who is God's right hand.


DTox said...

yeah God's right hand man indeed !! .. to control the evil dept. eh ?

The Rocking Heart said...

Another word about soochipara and u'r as good as wasted young fella!!