

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy

“He had found a Nutri-matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.”

‘I refuse to prove that I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’

‘But,’ says Man, ‘the Babel fish is a dead give-away, isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist and so therefore, by your own argument, you don’t.’

Oh! Dear,’ says God, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.”

“The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backward somersault through a hoop while whistling the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’, but in fact the message was: - So long and thanks for all the fish.”

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