

Friday, December 22, 2006


Saw a movie today, ‘Notebook’. Liked it quite a bit!

The gravity of the climax was lost in the theater with all the hoots and jeers of the young crowd at ‘Kripa’. I found the subject to be profound!

Tomorrow Rohit is packing off to Bombay and won’t be seen for this year. Not that the year is not coming to an end.

I would most probably stall my ‘alamb’ spree. With two hours lab and four hours of ims for tomorrow I will be enervated by the time I am home. Dude, I have no clue how I will get over tomorrow. I am so accustomed to having to do nothing important (like, KU gave me a long long holiday) that tomorrow seems to be an unbearable burden. No point in complaining. I should have guessed long ago that life is not a piece of cake, nor a bed of roses. It’s a mish-mash (a mindless one at that) of academics, responsibilities and uninspiring jokes (too practical for my take).

And KK says Ajay is a tea – addict. Both maniacs have no idea about me maybe. I have lost count of the number of teas I had had today. I am yearning for another hot cup. The only restraining factor is my damned lethargy. Like, people around me have slept and it’s going to be ‘self-service’ for the night.

1 comment:

The Rocking Heart said...

Life is not a piece of cake,
Life is not a bed of roses,
Life is not a box of chocolates,
What is it then??

The answer: Life is a box of hand grenades.. Why?? You never know when its gonna blow up on your face!!!