

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thanks. for all the flights.

Now I know why the war is being raged. It is for oil!!

Today was a strike, and the ruling government sponsored it. Can society be more logic-less? Like I had studied somewhere in my civics that Governments are supposed to run the land and when it fails what ensues is anarchy: - a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government). The left wanted to oppose globalization. What is wrong with globalization? Frankly I don’t know.

Globalization, or globalisation is the increasing interdependence, integration and interaction among people and corporations in disparate locations around the world”- wikipedia. It seems kind of fine for me. No problems.

But what I know of anti-globalisation is this! The strike today made Rohit and me to walk around ‘petrol’ shopping. And there was no street light in Sasthamangalam tonight. You know what; to make the 24 hr strike successful they had conveniently forgotten to switch on the street lights. I find myself in the times of brainless politics (Read that again CETians).


The day began with hopes of settling for a game of cards at Aswin’s. But he had packed to the house of some new found friend. We ended up watching Scary Movie 4 and parts of Vettiyadu Vilayadu. Between I had taken my mother to her office on bike. KK had called up asking whether I could take his dad to office ‘coz no transport was available. I obliged him as well. In the meantime I had given a couple of other ‘lifts’ as well; given the kind of day today was, it would all go down as ‘understood’. Come on appreciate my magnanimity. (magnus = great, animus = mind). Yeah and my grasp of etymology as well! [God, I promise you I shun narcism] (wink)

Whatever! Thanks Black Pearl for all the ‘flights’.


After all the ‘flights’ today I was left without petrol, but the urge to chill out on the bike at night sent us oil hunting (walking, we were). And viola all the pumps were closed.

I wonder how well ‘oil’ has ‘enslaved’ me. It has ‘enslaved’ humanity, as well. Mans whims are all about oil, so are his wars. Peace!

PS:- I heard news just now that my friend Arjun was admitted in hospital today. He is down with fever. Looking forward to meeting him up tomorrow.

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