

Monday, January 15, 2007

Health- Ahem Excuse me Whatzzat?

In keeping up with the tradition of not going to college on the first day of a new semester -that I have been steadfastedly keeping up for two years now- I did not go to college today.

This time it had more to do with health; rather the lack of it.

I am currently stalled with cold, the common nuisance.

I spent the better part of the day on the bed unmindful of my engineered engineering promises.

Each time consciousness flickers in I would call up someone and by the time the phone is kept I would drift away. A few kerchiefs by my side, steam a constant companion; a weary devitalized day, this one!

By evening I felt a bit fine, unlike the enervated former hours of the day!

Viola you could see me jump onto the Black Pearl – I had a house bill to pay and a pass-book to collect. I felt as though timely rest and inhalation had seen the better of ‘cold’.

Was mistaken! Back home I still feel the same weariness and the water is back in my eyes.

Health? Ahem, I had missed a few lessons in 3rd A when I broke a bone.
Can you just recap me! Whatzzat?

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