

Friday, February 16, 2007

A battle begins.

A battle begins.

It is as much a battle against convention as against change.
It is as much a battle against myself as against the world.
It is as much a battle against individuals as against their conglomerates.

It is more intellectual a battle than physical. It is more spiritual than it is intellectual.

Nevertheless it is a battle. A rebellion. A revolt. Therefore there would be blood, there would be destruction. But it is a revolution. There will be a new dawn every day. A new synergy, a new spirit, a new form for the old.

In my battle I am both beholden to everyone and everything, but at the same time independent and free.

I would be a loner in the war. But I wont be alone all through. I might have to take a leaf from your books, and you might even want a couple from mine. I would still be alone and mind you, you too.

Not that I wont befriend. Not that I wont criticize. Not that I wont partake. Not that I wont share. Not that I wont at times be hostile and inimical. Just that at the end of the day, my battle would be with my mind and its perceptions and yours with yours.

"Our greatest battles are with our own minds."
- Jameson Frank

2:15 pm

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