

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I wanted to participate in English Extempore but then Wayanad happened!

I love the cool breeze brushing my face while standing on the edge of the train bogey, staring at the fast moving expanses of green fields and sturdy palms. I love to be alone and talking to myself. It is perhaps the best time to think about oneself and also to forget about oneself; and both at the same time! I have always been warned about standing thus, but I have loved to see my shadow dance along at the train's pace, despite the landscape; flitting by the train and jumping at every odd stone.


After Ragam, Eric asked me 'was the promise kept?'.

Yes it was fucking kept fuckingly!


When I was in s4, I was disillusioned about Ragam and CET. I had castles in the air and an air of cheer. I had thrown an ace hoping that the nine was amiss, but bingo! came down the nine and drowned my ace.


I saw a few TV slow shots and found that the most venomous of snakes arch backwards to take aim before lurching to bite. And I learned somewhere along the way that the fighter might crouch before the pounce.

I can say that I wrote whatever I did write with a sense of purpose and with audacity wherever it needed to be. And I read with an open mind and acuity. I went along with a bubbly spirit and met with dire death a coupla times but remained stone facedly stoical. I found in people the will to do and aided them doing. I sapped from them without compromise. But like the snake and the fighter when did I take the breather that ain't a breather! Okay I take it now!


Wayanad is the most beautiful place in Kerala. And that is where it all distilled over.

There were tea estates and scenic backdrops on the way....

A rock and a few rock climbers....

A cave and a few old paintings and writings...

A waterfall and a few jobless people.

We all posed for photos, wondered at what we saw and imagined being heroes.

The rock climbing at Edakkal taught me the value of perseverance.
The cave writings humbled me.
And Soochipara mesmerized!

Thanks Pranav for helping us in not being killed by Eric.
Thanks Ajay Chettan for the camera gimmicks.
Thanks Amar for the one-liners.
Thanks Aravind and Vineeth for the safe driving.
Thanks Pattar for the foiled drama.
And Thanks Eric for all the POLICING!

Now to be reclusive and distanced. Lost.
I came home to durga and her hymns.

PS:- Eric wanted an explosive and a forceful blog. I wanted a soft one with a lot of hidden jabs and pre-suppositions. I win!


The Rocking Heart said...

Thats right.. Thats great.. absolutely.. Thank ME for the foiled drama..Bull-****er(not bull-header).. It was a collective decision that we aint gonna reach back..It was a collective decision to go to Soochipara..I just followed the advice of you lot..And now its all my

Play the blame game, for now, you hold the aces!!

You forgot a couple of champion drivers, but thats ok.. Like Amon Goeth says in Schindler's List "I forgive you!"

Shocky said...

I donnow, but in ur mind u seem to b desp at somethin related to this trip because the normal 'kick' & 'pep' of ur blogs seem missing to me in this one....i may b totally wrong also me its again a good piece of literature but somethin seems missin....donnow wat...

Anonymous said...

Mann, these are quieter times for me!