

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ragam beckons

“Do what kicks you.”, said Ananth Padmanabhan on one of his routine visits to my place.

I looked back at college life and I found, that, it's pretty much what I have done over the past two years and a half. I have been a small part of big things and thats the way I like it. I haven't run things, but I have been part of running things.

And its always small things that kick me!

Despite my effort to repeat for JEE I gave my part in first year. Despite the extenuating circumstances of my household I gave my part in the past three sems too. This sem ain't no different. Tomorrow I pack for Calicut. RAGAM. It might mark the fag end of what I do for the college! I have no idea what is in store. Let me take it as it comes.

But this Ragam is different. I go with a queer set of people. People whom I have looked upto before!

More on that later, maybe.

Last year was quite fun and interesting despite Silk Route :-) .......

I was able to pay back a small installment of a loan yesterday, Thanks to Eric. It is a kind of a loan that will never be repaid fully. But I will keep trying! Keep trying, I will!

1 comment:

The Rocking Heart said...

shit..i look stoned in this pic man..