

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

the HHG to the G: Book III

Life, the Universe and everything

(finished book III)

"... that time and distance were one, that mind and universe were one, that perception and reality were one, and that the more one travelled the more one stayed in one place ...."

Btw I just added Zaphod and Arthur Phillip Dent into the list that contain people like Connor, Holmes, Khrenkov, Abel and Dr.Moreau.

1 comment:

The Rocking Heart said...

"Btw I just added Zaphod and Arthur Phillip Dent into the list that contain people like Connor, Holmes, Khrenkov, Abel and Dr.Moreau."

My list would be Harry Potter, Gandalf the White, Sam McCready, William Lowell Kane, Chacal of the Day of the Jackal, Colonel Aureliano Buendia, Avenger, Robert Langdon, Zaphod Beeblebrox,.. the list is pretty long actually..