

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I mentally frowned, That was a mistake. I shouln't have!

“When a man has begun to be ashamed of his ancestors, the end has come. Here am I, one of the least of the Hindu race, yet proud of my race, proud of my ancestors. I am proud to call myself a Hindu.”

--- Swami Vivekananda.

It is most profoundly true that man derives his will from his ancestors and his sense of pride is inextricably rooted with the past. It is important for man to follow the Gods his forbears prayed to. Thus I began my journey a few months back, alone!
God created man and man his Gods, said a wise man.

There is only a singular power in existence; it has never been a matter of contention. If you have ever been misled otherwise, you have been misled. I believe in the Almighty, and I believe in his omnipresence and I am obsequiously at His disposal. But at the same time I subscribe to the aggressive Tandava of Shiva, I believe in the favour of Ganesha and I took home a Sea-Goddess the day of christmas . The multi-facetedness of God is no issue for me.

“The word ‘khila’ in Sanskrit means ‘latch’. 'Akhila' therefore means that which cannot be contained or closed, that is this universe. The creation of this universe – the substance of this universe is one, though the creation is manifold. Just like how apparently you are many, but fundamentally you are one. The one is manifested in the many.”

--- Shri Shri Anandamurti

The essence of the spiritual path is that you yourself are the God. Search deep within your own I-ness and feel it dissolve away into his infinity.
I believe in my God(s) and others in theirs.
I need not mentally frown. If I did it was a mistake. I am sorry.

Author’s note to ‘the song of the bird’

“This book has been written for people of every persuasion, religious and non-religious. I cannot however, hide from my readers the fact that I am a priest of the Catholic Church. I have wandered freely in mystical traditions that are not Christian and not religious and I have been profoundly influenced by them. It is to my Church, however, that I keep returning, for she is my spiritual home; and while I am acutely, sometimes embarrassingly, conscious of her limitations and narrowness, I also know that it is she who has formed me and made me what I am today……”

---Anthony de Mello S.J

I found the book worth a lifetime of travel and learning. I am convinced books are my short-cuts.


The Rocking Heart said...

God or no god, Singularity or plurality, Life is entirely is in your hands. I subscribe to Hindu religion by birth, but i subscribe to the minds of agnostics by principles. I may not travel the road taken by others but, as James Hetfield of Metallica said,

"Roamer, Wanderer, Nomad,Vagabond,
Call me what you will,
Where i lay my head is home.."

Wherever i may roam.. I will always be home!!

Vishnu Menon M said...

thats the best comment i have had